✌🏽aloha, I'm sam jeet she/her

Me speaking on stage at React Summit about the future of Next.js

Samantha has always dreamed of speaking about herself in the third person and is thankful for this opportunity.

Sam was raised primarily on islands in The Pacific like Hawai'i, the Philippines, and Japan. Proof of this is seen in her wide feet, year-round sandal tan, and immense love for Spam and rice. Sam's friends have occasionally referred to her as "Miss Aloha" and to this day it's still one of the best compliments she could ever receive. Since moving to the mainland in high school, Miss Jeet has been proud to call Oceanside her hometown.

Before becoming a developer, Samantha was a GIS Specialist working in the transit management and design industry. Though she loved geography and those she worked with, she knew it wouldn't fulfill her much longer. This realization brought her back to coding, which she first discovered in middle school when she would edit her MySpace page and make GeoCities fan pages for Charmed and Star Trek Voyager.

Me speaking on stage at React Summit about the future of Next.js

Samantha officially moved to Salt Lake City in late 2019 when she accepted her first developer role. Since then, Sam has had the great joy of working for cool organizations like Plurlaight and has had the opportunity to learn from and work alongside some of the smartest and grooviest people in the business.

Outside of work, Miss Jeet enjoys spending time with her partner and family, analog photography, binge-watching Bob's Burgers, calling her mom 3 times a day, renovating her house she promised her partner would only take 5 months to do, traveling, learning the new slang all the kids are using these days, and making lists.

Miss Jeet holds a B.Sci in Health Care Administration and an M.Sci in Geographic Information Sciences. She promised her mom she would mention that.